The percentage of poor people in September 2022 rose to 11.95 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Musi Rawas Utara Regency

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The percentage of poor people in September 2022 rose to 11.95 percent

Release Date : January 16, 2023
File Size : 3.74 MB


  • In the last one year period September 2021-September 2022 the poverty rate for Sumatera Selatan fell by 0.84 percentage point from 12.79 percent to 11.95 percent. Meanwhile, the number of poor people decreased by 61.62 thousand people from 1,116.61 thousand people to 1,054.99 thousand people. Compared to March 2022, the poverty rate for September 2022 in Sumatera Selatan increased by 0.05 percentage point from 11.90 percent to 11.95 percent. Meanwhile, the number of poor people also increased by 10.30 thousand people from 1,044.69 thousand people to 1,054.99 thousand people.
  • The percentage of poor people in urban areas in September 2021 was 11.99 percent, decreased to 11.23 percent in March 2022 and rose to 11.37 percent in September 2022. Meanwhile the percentage of poor people in rural areas decreased from 13.28 percent in September 2021 to 12.31 percent in March 2022 and decreased to 12.30 percent in September 2022.
  • The role of the food group in the Poverty Line is far greater than that of the non-food group (housing, clothing, education and health). The contribution of the Food Poverty Line (GKM) to the September 2022 Poverty Line was recorded at 73.98, a decrease compared to March 2022 conditions of 74.34 percent, and decreased compared to September 2021 conditions of 74.16 percent.
  • Food commodities that have a major impact on the Poverty Line in urban areas are relatively the same as in rural areas, including rice, filter clove cigarettes, eggs, purebred chicken meat, granulated sugar, instant noodles, red chilies, shallots, and ground coffee & coffee instant (sachets). While non-food commodities are housing, gasoline, electricity, education, toiletries, health, and skin care, face, nails, hair.
  • In the period September 2021 - September 2022, as well as the period March 2022-September 2022, the Poverty Depth Index (P1) and Poverty Severity Index (P2) both experienced declines.

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