The city of Palembang in March 2013 experienced inflation of 0.85 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Musi Rawas Utara Regency

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The city of Palembang in March 2013 experienced inflation of 0.85 percent

The city of Palembang in March 2013 experienced inflation of 0.85 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : April 1, 2013
File Size : 0.14 MB


  • The city of Palembang in March 2013 experienced inflation of 0.85 percent as indicated by an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 135.24 (February 2013) to 136.39 (March 2013), while nationally there was inflation of 0.63 percent.
  • Inflation that occurred in Palembang in March 2013 was due to an increase in CPI in the foodstuffs group by (2.54 percent), followed by housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by (0.55 percent), then the processed food group, drinks, cigarettes and tobacco (0.29 percent), then the health and transportation, communication and financial services groups (0.05 percent) and then the education, recreation and sports group (0.01 percent). While the expenditure group that experienced a decrease in the CPI, namely by the clothing group by (-0.50 percent).
  • March 2013 calendar year inflation was 2.21 percent. While inflation "year on year" (March 2013 against March 2012) in the city of Palembang was 5.23 percent.
  • Based on monitoring prices in 66 major cities in Indonesia, it shows that 58 cities experienced inflation and 8 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Sorong City (1.73 percent) and the lowest inflation occurred in Pekanbaru City (0.04 percent). While the highest deflation occurred in Jayapura City (- 2.63 percent), the lowest deflation occurred in Dumai City (-0.01 percent)
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